Biorelevant Dissolution: Methodology and Application in Drug Development

Dissolution testing can play an important role in several areas for drug products as a quality control
tool to monitor batch-to-batch consistency of drug release from a dosage form and as an in vitro surrogate
for in vivo performance that can guide formulation development and ascertain the need for bioequivalence
tests. The possibility of substituting dissolution tests for clinical studies has been revealed by the development
of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System, and dissolution tests that can predict the in vivo performance
of drug products (usually called “biorelevant” dissolution tests) could serve this purpose (1, 2). In terms of media and hydrodynamics, biorelevant dissolution testing should provide a baseline for drug and dosage-form performance and should be used to guide formulation development, to identify food effects on the dissolution and bioavailability of orally administered drugs, and to identify solubility limitations and stability issues. The importance of the development of predictive dissolution testing is increased by the fact that the majority of drugs currently in development are poorly soluble drugs and by the challenges for new dosage-form approaches.

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Dicari Distribution Planning Officer untuk PT AAM

PT Anugrah Argon Medica anggota Dexa Group, mencari kandidat untuk Distribution Planning Officer.

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Rumah Sakit Dr. OEN SOLO BARU membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional


Rumah Sakit Dr. OEN SOLO BARU membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional untuk menjadi karyawan / karyawati Rumah Sakit.

Kualifikasi :

* Lulusan S-1 Farmasi profesi.
* Laki-laki / perempuan.
* Usia maximal 30 tahun.
* Sebagai tenaga full timer Rumah Sakit.
* Penempatan di SOLO.

Surat Lamaran dilampiri :
1.Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2.Fotocopy Ijazah terakhir, Fotocopy Transkrip Nilai.
3.Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
4.Foto Copy KTP.
5.Surat Pengalaman Kerja (kalau ada).

Surat lamaran dapat dikirimkan melalui pos ke :

Direktur Utama

Kompleks Perumahan Solo Baru
Grogol – Sukoharjo

Atau melalui e-mail ke :

Lowongan kerja MR

Medical Representatives

Requirements :

* Syarat mutlak pengalaman kerja min 1 tahun sebagai Medical Representative
* Min D3 (Pharmacy, Medical, etc).
* Ada bonus untuk yang memiliki sertifikat PEDFI

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan sesuai persyaratan di atas mohon membawa

CV ke :

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Job Vacancy for PT Soho Industri Pharmasi

I.Export Administration


* Female, max 28 years old
* Hold Diplom (D3) degree from any subject
* Fluent in English, Oral and Writing
* Honest, Precise and Agile
* Computer literacy skill and able to handle secretary’s role
* Willing to learn new things

II.Brand Executive


* Male, max 30 years old
* Pharmacist / Business / Industrial Engineering
* Minimum 2 years experience as Product / Brand Executive / Supervisor at Pharmaceutical or FMCG industries
* Will representing the company in Africa

Please send your CV to:
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jl Pulogadung No 6 Jakarta 13011